What makes an average looking guy instantly become "hot"?
If you talk to any number of super hot girls and approach them, you will start to see one thing over and over - she is going to test you. If you fail these tests, you will not not hook up with her. Period. You will join the piles of men she's had to reject because they weren't confident enough.
The GOOD news is, that there is a way to pass these tests nearly 100% of the time.
Most really hot girls' tests are enough to make men run away with their tails between their legs. If you know the technique to passing, then you are going to be in the VERY small percentage of guys who make it through her defenses and are actually a sexual candidate.
If you don't know this one secret technique, you will fail these tests and never gain entrance into the world of attracting and sleeping with truly beautiful women.
These tests can be one of two types: compliance tests or congruence tests. Today, we are talking about compliance tests. First, let me explain a bit more about these tests and WHY hot women NEED them.
A compliance test is an act or a statement that checks to see if you are going to do whatever she wants. If you comply, she will have gained control over the conversation, the interaction, and you. It seems like they want you to fail these tests so they have the power, right?
Fortunately, that is not the case. When women give compliance tests, they really do want you to pass them. It is their way of filtering out a truly confident, attractive guy from the rest. It may sound strange, but beautiful women honestly can't just look at a guy an say "he's good looking, therefore he's attractive." They need much more because they are approached by so many different types of guys. A really attractive girl will get hit on 10-15 times A DAY.
That's 3,650 times a year (conservatively) that an attractive woman is hit on. She will start to see patterns in the ways guys behave if they are actually confident or not, and that has nothing to do with looks.
The compliance test is really a test to see whether or not they're going to be able to get away with whatever they want. Why you want to test this? Well, they want to find out whether or not you're used to beautiful women hitting on you or whether or not you're used to being with beautiful women.
This is a very crucial concept. If you are used to being with beautiful women, you will not bend over backwards for a beautiful woman just because she wants something. Instead, you will respond in a way that sort of puts the compliance back on her.
Beautiful women are guaranteed to give you compliance tests and if you fail the compliance tests, you are guaranteed not to attract them. So it's very crucial that you learn this.
How do you recognize compliance tests? Basically, look for any demand that she gives you within a short time of meeting that seems small, but gets you to follow.
One very classic compliance test is "buy me a drink."
Women go for throat here when you're in the bar because they don't have a whole lot of time to figure out who is attracted and who is confident, who's not. How you respond to "buy me a drink" is very crucial when you're in a bar.
There are other small things like "why don't you wait here while I go to the bathroom." or "give me a kiss on the cheek" or even "will you take a picture for us?"
Anything that seems kind of harmless is typically a compliance test especially if it's from a really beautiful woman and you don't want to deny the compliance test, what you want to do is take control over it and add your own terms.
For example, if someone says, "Take our pictures." Then you will say, "okay, I will but I want you to take one picture for you and one picture of how I ask you to take it." So if they refused to do this, and you go, "Alright, well find some other guy."
You will actually find some other guy to take the camera and say, "Hey man, can you take their picture?" And you just have them take your picture.
But usually they will say okay fine, you take the picture and you go "okay, now I want you to give me a sexy look." Then take their picture. "Okay now, make a silly face", take a picture. And continue to make them do different pictures as long as you can think of them.
Essentially what you're doing now is you are getting compliance from them. This is crucial. This is called flipping the script and you will hear a lot about this. Flipping the script is one of the most powerful things that you can do to a woman that you don't know and it will create a massive amount of intrigue and a massive amount of attraction that will be built.
So from now on, know and recognize when women is giving you a compliance test. Don't stop and don't reject the compliance test. Add your own terms.
When you start doing this, you are going to see the truly beautiful women in the bar start to treat you in a completely different way. You can actually watch other guys approach, get shot down and see it ruin their nights as you can easily navigate the sea of compliance tests and come out looking like a rockstar, making her more and more attracted to you since you're the kind of guy who won't just do exactly what she wants.
This is one of the "Sexual Triggers" that drive beautiful women wild. The rest of them are revealed in this presentation:
Watch this presentation ←- Discover “stealthy” attraction secrets
Article #3
SUBJECT: Avoid Any "Awkward Silence" With This 1 Bizarre Trick
"I've heard this tragic story far too many times..."
You can feel this excruciating moment coming on from a mile away.
The conversation with this cute girl started off great. She's smiling, laughing, clearly becoming more interested and more attracted as you continue.
Then...it happens.
Call it a brain fart, a blank mind, a loss for words. The only thing that matters is, it brings the conversation to a complete hault and you can feel her attraction levels for you dropping faster than a drunk girl in stilletos.
So what can you do to pull the conversational nose-dive back into the high flying interaction it was?
You dig into your toolbox. Your social toolbox, that is.
I'll share with you my absolute favorite conversation-saving tool.
This is a guaranteed way to save any conversation with a girl, PLUS it's so perfectly constructed, that it easily allows for sexual innuendo to get her mind "in the right place" while still being in the context of pure, NON-NEEDY and FUN banter.
It's a little game I like to call "FMK" and it will be your new best friend.
When you deploy the FMK game, any drooping conversation will instantly be turned around.
You will leap beyond the average lame guys who approach her with the same old boring pickup lines and dull conversations.
So it goes like this:
When you start to run out of things to say, just as you can feel that her attraction is about to start dipping down...
You turn to her, and you say:
"Hey, let's play a game real quick."
Watch as her eyes sparkle with curiosity. This is a departure from the normal night-time drivel she's used to dealing with. She will almost certainly invite you to proceed.
Continue to the game. Start to glance around the room, assessing the other guys you see and start to point them out one by one, and asking her "ok, so would you fuck, marry or kill him?"
She'll laugh at first. Then she'll look over at your target and size him up.
Choose different types of guys representing the spectrum of personality types and behaviors.
A jock. A douchebag. A nerd. A handsome debonair type. A bad-boy rocker. A business guy.
This will do a few things:
1) You will get an insight into what she values in a man, and how she operates. She will give very direct clues to how she wants to be seduced.
If she says "fuck" to the rocker dude, "marry" to the nerdy guy, and "kill" to the guy in a suit...then you can guess that she's got a wild side, she doesn't like guys with a lot of structure, and she's a secret nerd.
Think about that... she'll basically be giving you a HUGE hint into how to seduce her.
If you know the 4 things that every girl needs to know before she thinks about sleeping with a guy, it will pretty much be deal-closer.
More on that in a few...
2) You can continue bantering and teasing her. This is so crucial to the first stage of the interaction.
Keep conversation light, non-needy (teasing her playfully) and fun!
Make fun and silly projections about who you guess she'd fuck, marry and kill.
It will be remarkably easy as she's alternating between giggling at her own qwerky tastes, cringing at the dopey guys, and switching to her "ooh la la" voice with the guys that turn her on.
3) Which brings me to my next point...SHE WILL GET TURNED ON.
Remember, you are asking her to bring the thought "who do I want to fuck?" into her mind, and all in the context of an experience that was generated by and shared with you...and only you.
4) Finally...she will see that you are 100% confident in your sexuality and your ability to attract women. You can confidently discuss the theoretical thought of her sleeping with other men, and that doesn't threaten you.
99.99% of dudes would be terrified to even suggest that she even look at another guy when he's talking to her!
Your confidence here will be very, very sexy to women.
After playing this game for even a few minutes, she will be extremely turned on by your creativity, your playfulness, and your confidence...
This sets you up PERFECTLY to transition into the next stage of interaction, build upon the sexual energy in this game, especially if you've been properly mixing in the right "sexual triggers" that all women have.
This is part of the 4 things that every girl needs to decide to sleep with a guy.
If you haven't learned about the sexual triggers yet, stop everything and watch this presentation (this shit will change how you attract women forever!) :
Learn how to activate secret "sexual triggers" <--- Get her instantly turned on
Joshua Pellicer
PS FMK is a great tool to have in your toolbox. There are several others that will absolutely make meeting women a breeze when you go out.
"The Free Drink Technique" and "The Kiss Technique" are a couple that changed my life forever when I discovered them.
Learn more about the sexual triggers, and these amazing secret tools in this free presentation:
[Illegal Seduction Techniques]: Discover these 4 secrets women will never reveal
Article #4
SUBJECT: Kiss Technique
You're about to learn, hands down, the best way to successfully get a girl to kiss you without fear of rejection. In the advanced version of this technique, you can even get the girl you're talking to to lean in to kiss you!
So if you've ever been afraid of getting rejected going for a kiss OR you've gotten "the cheek" you know why having a rock-solid technique to moving in for the kiss is 100% crucial.
Going in for the kiss is probably the worst place to face rejection in an interaction with a girl because:
1) You've invested a lot of TIME by this point in the interaction, and there simply isn't enough time in your night to get this far and then hit a brick wall and have to move on.
2) Screwing up this part of the interaction can ruin all chances of moving on from here to seduction.
Most guys don't have the chance to learn how to perfect going for a kiss because it happens so infrequently!
Even on a good night, most guys will typically find one girl they hit it off with at the bar where a kiss is probably even a possibility.
So normally, you'd have to face a lot of these rejections one by one to learn the best way to successfully go in for a kiss.
But luckily, I've already gone through all those failures for you (until I discovered this killer technique), and can present the best way to avoid failure and shortcut right to success.
Sound good?
The Kiss Technique makes it so that when you're speaking to a woman, you can intentionally give off subconscious triggers that will make her think about kissing you!
Pretty powerful stuff...
If you use this technique, suddenly making a woman want to kiss you will be something you have control over.
If you decide to "wing it" in the stage like most guys, however, you're going to run into problems...
First, you won't know how physically receptive she is to kissing you. A tried and true rule to go by is this:
Your hesitation = Her reservation
So the more you hesitate, the worse your chances get, because she starts to build up all sorts of red flags and reservations.
When you go to lean in for the kiss and you don't do it the right way at the right time, you'll come off as needy (like you don't have a lot of options with women) because if you did have a lot of options, you wouldn't be worrying about the kiss with this girl.
So how do we show that you are absolutely NOT needy (even if you kind of feel like you are) and provide a way so that you will not fear rejection because you will know for sure ahead of time that she is wanting to kiss you?
We use what's called The Kiss Technique.
This involves combining two psychological concepts into a perfect recipe for mastering the kiss.
The first concept is called triangular gazing.
This will happen while you have built rapport and are looking to move into seduction. It involves looking from one eye to another, then looking at her mouth.
When you start looking at her mouth, you will subconsciously start to think about kissing her, because this action is already anchored to the thought of kissing someone.
Even if you look at a woman you're not attracted to and look at her mouth, you can start to think about kissing her, and you will become MORE attracted to her.
The good news is...the same happens for women.
The even BETTER news is...you can lead her to subconsciously start to do this and feel more attracted. How?
By using the second half of the recipe...another psychological concept called Mirroring.
Whenever we are in conversation with someone, we will mirror the leader of the conversation in an attempt to build subconscious rapport with them.
When you perfectly combine triangular gazing and mirroring, you have a combination that will make her subconsciously think about kissing you.
After talking with her in rapport, start to look at her mouth. At first, only for 2 seconds, then look back to her eyes. Switch between her left and right eye, then back to her mouth for a few seconds longer.
Continue to go from left to right eye and back to her mouth for 2 seconds, 3 seconds, then 5 seconds.
Eventually, you want to be mostly looking at her mouth.
When she begins to look at your mouth as well, you know for sure that she's ready to kiss you.
Voila! The Kiss Technique takes all of the guess work out of "making a move".
You will now know with confidence when she wants to kiss you, and get to be the fully assertive but perceptive man that women find irresistibly sexy.
She will feel like you know exactly how to treat a woman and feel safe and confident moving on with you.
Now, if you want to take this technique to the next level and make it so that girls will be leaning in to you and basically begging you to kiss them, you only have to know one magical sentence.
Learn more about the Kiss Technique and the bizarre, magical sentence that activates her "sexual triggers" and makes her lean and practically beg you for the kiss.
If you talk to any number of super hot girls and approach them, you will start to see one thing over and over - she is going to test you. If you fail these tests, you will not not hook up with her. Period. You will join the piles of men she's had to reject because they weren't confident enough.
The GOOD news is, that there is a way to pass these tests nearly 100% of the time.
Most really hot girls' tests are enough to make men run away with their tails between their legs. If you know the technique to passing, then you are going to be in the VERY small percentage of guys who make it through her defenses and are actually a sexual candidate.
If you don't know this one secret technique, you will fail these tests and never gain entrance into the world of attracting and sleeping with truly beautiful women.
These tests can be one of two types: compliance tests or congruence tests. Today, we are talking about compliance tests. First, let me explain a bit more about these tests and WHY hot women NEED them.
A compliance test is an act or a statement that checks to see if you are going to do whatever she wants. If you comply, she will have gained control over the conversation, the interaction, and you. It seems like they want you to fail these tests so they have the power, right?
Fortunately, that is not the case. When women give compliance tests, they really do want you to pass them. It is their way of filtering out a truly confident, attractive guy from the rest. It may sound strange, but beautiful women honestly can't just look at a guy an say "he's good looking, therefore he's attractive." They need much more because they are approached by so many different types of guys. A really attractive girl will get hit on 10-15 times A DAY.
That's 3,650 times a year (conservatively) that an attractive woman is hit on. She will start to see patterns in the ways guys behave if they are actually confident or not, and that has nothing to do with looks.
The compliance test is really a test to see whether or not they're going to be able to get away with whatever they want. Why you want to test this? Well, they want to find out whether or not you're used to beautiful women hitting on you or whether or not you're used to being with beautiful women.
This is a very crucial concept. If you are used to being with beautiful women, you will not bend over backwards for a beautiful woman just because she wants something. Instead, you will respond in a way that sort of puts the compliance back on her.
Beautiful women are guaranteed to give you compliance tests and if you fail the compliance tests, you are guaranteed not to attract them. So it's very crucial that you learn this.
How do you recognize compliance tests? Basically, look for any demand that she gives you within a short time of meeting that seems small, but gets you to follow.
One very classic compliance test is "buy me a drink."
Women go for throat here when you're in the bar because they don't have a whole lot of time to figure out who is attracted and who is confident, who's not. How you respond to "buy me a drink" is very crucial when you're in a bar.
There are other small things like "why don't you wait here while I go to the bathroom." or "give me a kiss on the cheek" or even "will you take a picture for us?"
Anything that seems kind of harmless is typically a compliance test especially if it's from a really beautiful woman and you don't want to deny the compliance test, what you want to do is take control over it and add your own terms.
For example, if someone says, "Take our pictures." Then you will say, "okay, I will but I want you to take one picture for you and one picture of how I ask you to take it." So if they refused to do this, and you go, "Alright, well find some other guy."
You will actually find some other guy to take the camera and say, "Hey man, can you take their picture?" And you just have them take your picture.
But usually they will say okay fine, you take the picture and you go "okay, now I want you to give me a sexy look." Then take their picture. "Okay now, make a silly face", take a picture. And continue to make them do different pictures as long as you can think of them.
Essentially what you're doing now is you are getting compliance from them. This is crucial. This is called flipping the script and you will hear a lot about this. Flipping the script is one of the most powerful things that you can do to a woman that you don't know and it will create a massive amount of intrigue and a massive amount of attraction that will be built.
So from now on, know and recognize when women is giving you a compliance test. Don't stop and don't reject the compliance test. Add your own terms.
When you start doing this, you are going to see the truly beautiful women in the bar start to treat you in a completely different way. You can actually watch other guys approach, get shot down and see it ruin their nights as you can easily navigate the sea of compliance tests and come out looking like a rockstar, making her more and more attracted to you since you're the kind of guy who won't just do exactly what she wants.
This is one of the "Sexual Triggers" that drive beautiful women wild. The rest of them are revealed in this presentation:
Watch this presentation ←- Discover “stealthy” attraction secrets
Article #3
SUBJECT: Avoid Any "Awkward Silence" With This 1 Bizarre Trick
"I've heard this tragic story far too many times..."
You can feel this excruciating moment coming on from a mile away.
The conversation with this cute girl started off great. She's smiling, laughing, clearly becoming more interested and more attracted as you continue.
Then...it happens.
Call it a brain fart, a blank mind, a loss for words. The only thing that matters is, it brings the conversation to a complete hault and you can feel her attraction levels for you dropping faster than a drunk girl in stilletos.
So what can you do to pull the conversational nose-dive back into the high flying interaction it was?
You dig into your toolbox. Your social toolbox, that is.
I'll share with you my absolute favorite conversation-saving tool.
This is a guaranteed way to save any conversation with a girl, PLUS it's so perfectly constructed, that it easily allows for sexual innuendo to get her mind "in the right place" while still being in the context of pure, NON-NEEDY and FUN banter.
It's a little game I like to call "FMK" and it will be your new best friend.
When you deploy the FMK game, any drooping conversation will instantly be turned around.
You will leap beyond the average lame guys who approach her with the same old boring pickup lines and dull conversations.
So it goes like this:
When you start to run out of things to say, just as you can feel that her attraction is about to start dipping down...
You turn to her, and you say:
"Hey, let's play a game real quick."
Watch as her eyes sparkle with curiosity. This is a departure from the normal night-time drivel she's used to dealing with. She will almost certainly invite you to proceed.
Continue to the game. Start to glance around the room, assessing the other guys you see and start to point them out one by one, and asking her "ok, so would you fuck, marry or kill him?"
She'll laugh at first. Then she'll look over at your target and size him up.
Choose different types of guys representing the spectrum of personality types and behaviors.
A jock. A douchebag. A nerd. A handsome debonair type. A bad-boy rocker. A business guy.
This will do a few things:
1) You will get an insight into what she values in a man, and how she operates. She will give very direct clues to how she wants to be seduced.
If she says "fuck" to the rocker dude, "marry" to the nerdy guy, and "kill" to the guy in a suit...then you can guess that she's got a wild side, she doesn't like guys with a lot of structure, and she's a secret nerd.
Think about that... she'll basically be giving you a HUGE hint into how to seduce her.
If you know the 4 things that every girl needs to know before she thinks about sleeping with a guy, it will pretty much be deal-closer.
More on that in a few...
2) You can continue bantering and teasing her. This is so crucial to the first stage of the interaction.
Keep conversation light, non-needy (teasing her playfully) and fun!
Make fun and silly projections about who you guess she'd fuck, marry and kill.
It will be remarkably easy as she's alternating between giggling at her own qwerky tastes, cringing at the dopey guys, and switching to her "ooh la la" voice with the guys that turn her on.
3) Which brings me to my next point...SHE WILL GET TURNED ON.
Remember, you are asking her to bring the thought "who do I want to fuck?" into her mind, and all in the context of an experience that was generated by and shared with you...and only you.
4) Finally...she will see that you are 100% confident in your sexuality and your ability to attract women. You can confidently discuss the theoretical thought of her sleeping with other men, and that doesn't threaten you.
99.99% of dudes would be terrified to even suggest that she even look at another guy when he's talking to her!
Your confidence here will be very, very sexy to women.
After playing this game for even a few minutes, she will be extremely turned on by your creativity, your playfulness, and your confidence...
This sets you up PERFECTLY to transition into the next stage of interaction, build upon the sexual energy in this game, especially if you've been properly mixing in the right "sexual triggers" that all women have.
This is part of the 4 things that every girl needs to decide to sleep with a guy.
If you haven't learned about the sexual triggers yet, stop everything and watch this presentation (this shit will change how you attract women forever!) :
Learn how to activate secret "sexual triggers" <--- Get her instantly turned on
Joshua Pellicer
PS FMK is a great tool to have in your toolbox. There are several others that will absolutely make meeting women a breeze when you go out.
"The Free Drink Technique" and "The Kiss Technique" are a couple that changed my life forever when I discovered them.
Learn more about the sexual triggers, and these amazing secret tools in this free presentation:
[Illegal Seduction Techniques]: Discover these 4 secrets women will never reveal
Article #4
SUBJECT: Kiss Technique
You're about to learn, hands down, the best way to successfully get a girl to kiss you without fear of rejection. In the advanced version of this technique, you can even get the girl you're talking to to lean in to kiss you!
So if you've ever been afraid of getting rejected going for a kiss OR you've gotten "the cheek" you know why having a rock-solid technique to moving in for the kiss is 100% crucial.
Going in for the kiss is probably the worst place to face rejection in an interaction with a girl because:
1) You've invested a lot of TIME by this point in the interaction, and there simply isn't enough time in your night to get this far and then hit a brick wall and have to move on.
2) Screwing up this part of the interaction can ruin all chances of moving on from here to seduction.
Most guys don't have the chance to learn how to perfect going for a kiss because it happens so infrequently!
Even on a good night, most guys will typically find one girl they hit it off with at the bar where a kiss is probably even a possibility.
So normally, you'd have to face a lot of these rejections one by one to learn the best way to successfully go in for a kiss.
But luckily, I've already gone through all those failures for you (until I discovered this killer technique), and can present the best way to avoid failure and shortcut right to success.
Sound good?
The Kiss Technique makes it so that when you're speaking to a woman, you can intentionally give off subconscious triggers that will make her think about kissing you!
Pretty powerful stuff...
If you use this technique, suddenly making a woman want to kiss you will be something you have control over.
If you decide to "wing it" in the stage like most guys, however, you're going to run into problems...
First, you won't know how physically receptive she is to kissing you. A tried and true rule to go by is this:
Your hesitation = Her reservation
So the more you hesitate, the worse your chances get, because she starts to build up all sorts of red flags and reservations.
When you go to lean in for the kiss and you don't do it the right way at the right time, you'll come off as needy (like you don't have a lot of options with women) because if you did have a lot of options, you wouldn't be worrying about the kiss with this girl.
So how do we show that you are absolutely NOT needy (even if you kind of feel like you are) and provide a way so that you will not fear rejection because you will know for sure ahead of time that she is wanting to kiss you?
We use what's called The Kiss Technique.
This involves combining two psychological concepts into a perfect recipe for mastering the kiss.
The first concept is called triangular gazing.
This will happen while you have built rapport and are looking to move into seduction. It involves looking from one eye to another, then looking at her mouth.
When you start looking at her mouth, you will subconsciously start to think about kissing her, because this action is already anchored to the thought of kissing someone.
Even if you look at a woman you're not attracted to and look at her mouth, you can start to think about kissing her, and you will become MORE attracted to her.
The good news is...the same happens for women.
The even BETTER news is...you can lead her to subconsciously start to do this and feel more attracted. How?
By using the second half of the recipe...another psychological concept called Mirroring.
Whenever we are in conversation with someone, we will mirror the leader of the conversation in an attempt to build subconscious rapport with them.
When you perfectly combine triangular gazing and mirroring, you have a combination that will make her subconsciously think about kissing you.
After talking with her in rapport, start to look at her mouth. At first, only for 2 seconds, then look back to her eyes. Switch between her left and right eye, then back to her mouth for a few seconds longer.
Continue to go from left to right eye and back to her mouth for 2 seconds, 3 seconds, then 5 seconds.
Eventually, you want to be mostly looking at her mouth.
When she begins to look at your mouth as well, you know for sure that she's ready to kiss you.
Voila! The Kiss Technique takes all of the guess work out of "making a move".
You will now know with confidence when she wants to kiss you, and get to be the fully assertive but perceptive man that women find irresistibly sexy.
She will feel like you know exactly how to treat a woman and feel safe and confident moving on with you.
Now, if you want to take this technique to the next level and make it so that girls will be leaning in to you and basically begging you to kiss them, you only have to know one magical sentence.
Learn more about the Kiss Technique and the bizarre, magical sentence that activates her "sexual triggers" and makes her lean and practically beg you for the kiss.
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